Open Enrollment: 2025 Health and Dental Plans Overview - Access Health CT openEnroll_start=10/29/2024
During Open Enrollment, you can sign up for health and dental insurance plans or make changes to your current plan. Let’s go over some key things you need to know about the health and dental plans offered through Access Health CT (AHCT).

What’s Included in Your Health Plan?

For coverage starting January 1, 2025, you must enroll by December 15, 2024. If you enroll between December 16, 2024 and January 15, 2025, your coverage will not begin until February 1, 2025.

The Affordable Care Act requires all health insurance plans offered through AHCT to cover 10 Essential Health Benefits. Each plan includes coverage for emergency room care, hospitalization, prescription drugs, maternity and newborn care, mental health services and more.

Pediatric dental and vision coverage is included in all plans for covered dependents under age 26.

If a plan name has the word “dental” or “vision” in it, then it includes some adult dental and vision coverage. All ConnectiCare plans include some adult vision benefits even though “vision” is not mentioned in the plan names.

Most plans have deductibles. But many health plans include coverage for services where a co-pay or co-insurance payment is your only out-of-pocket cost, and you don’t pay toward your deductible.

Types of Health Plans

This year, 22 individual health plans are available from high-quality insurance carriers. These plans are categorized by metal level: Bronze (10 plans), Silver (3 plans), Gold (7 plans) and Catastrophic (2 plans).

Here’s a breakdown of the different types of plans you can choose from:

Bronze plans have the lowest monthly premiums, but the highest out-of-pocket costs when you receive care.

Silver plans have moderate monthly premiums and moderate out-of-pockets costs when you receive care.

Gold plans have the highest monthly premiums, but low out-of-pocket costs when you receive care.

Catastrophic plans have low costs but higher out-of-pocket expenses when you receive care. Catastrophic plans are only available to people younger than 30 years old or to those who have been granted a hardship exemption or affordability exemption from AHCT. Financial help is not available for Catastrophic plans.

Stand-Alone Dental Plans

You do not need to enroll in a health plan through AHCT to buy a Stand-Alone Dental Plan. Connecticut residents who are enrolled in Medicare are also eligible to buy dental plans with different levels of coverage through AHCT.

Remember, Open Enrollment is your chance to get the coverage that works best for you and your family. Make sure to shop, compare and enroll in a health or dental plan that meets your needs.

Still have questions?
Whether you have questions about health or dental coverage or something else, the Access Health CT team is ready and available to help. Remember, all help is free.

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